The Film and Mass Media Production Facility is now tentatively scheduled to reopen for business…
Winter Break
The BFA Production Wing is closed to all undergraduate students until January 9th. You will be required to have your UCF ID card rescanned to gain entry for the Spring Semester. Access card scanning sessions will be posted on Wednesday, January 2nd. For more information about facility access and access cards please vist our Access Cards & Keys page.
Staring Wednesday, December 12th, Equipment Room will be operating under a skeleton crew until Monday, January 7th. Because of this, the door will not always be open as we deal with various department projects and responsibilities. Do not be afraid to knock as someone is typically here, however, the best way to get help is to make an appointment via email or phone [ | 407.823.2138 ].
Happy Holidays!
“And That’s The Way It Is.”