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Overview of Policies and Procedures

The handbooks, appendix, and supplemental documents below outline the production policies and procedures of the Film and Mass Media Program at the UCF Nicholson School of Communication and Media. Please use them to help understand and navigate the nature of our creative environment. Please read these documents carefully, as you are expected to know this information as part of your professional training and may be held accountable for any violations.

Student Handbooks

These documents outline your rights and responsibilities as a student at UCF. They are intended to provide you with a better understanding of your role as a member of the community and to increase your academic success. You are expected to know and understand these documents.

This UCF-NSCM-FMM Student Production Handbook outlines important information regarding operational procedures, location permitting, risk management policies, safety guidelines, and other important information students are required adhere to when producing their film/video projects at UCF.

Appendix Documents

The following documents make up the Appendix section of the UCF-NSCM-FMM Student Production Handbook. Be sure to use Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader when filling out and signing interactive PDF documents. Acrobat Reader is free to download and use.

Student Facility Access Agreement Form
Production Agreement Forms
Risk Management Forms
Production Incident Report Form
Supplemental Policy Documents
University Policies, Procedures, Regulations, and Guides

The policies, procedures, and regulations of the university establishes the primary framework for all activities of its colleges, offices and academic units.

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